Glamour and Globalization
Posted In: activism, art, exhibition, fashion, sport
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The Hartware MedienKunstVerein presents fourteen international media artists that deal with the five thematic chapters of the Fanshop of Globalization and that broaden these topics in specific ways: (labour) migration, added value, interconnection, cultural identity and social divide. Ursula Biemann / Angela Sanders and Etta Gerdes/Jens Sundheim research new forms of transnational (labour) migration caused by globalization. While Mieke Gerritzen shows the “beautiful world” of globalization as an endless series of colourful adverts and slogans, Ingeborg Luescher makes two football teams face (and play against) each other in elegant designer suits. As in economy only those are on the winning team who break the rules of the game without getting caught. In 2003, in a spectacular action the artists’/activists’ group 0100101110101101.org re-named the historical Karlsplatz in Vienna into “Nikesquare”. For several years now the Yes Men have appeared as the official representatives of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the company Dow Chemical. In 2005 they presented the “Acceptable Risk Calculator” to enthusiastic managers and unveiled Gilda, the golden skeleton. In 2001 in their function as “representatives” of the city of Leipzig Eva Hertzsch and Adam Page travelled to the venues of the World Championship of Football in Japan and Korea and had interesting talks with local representatives. In a monumental cartographic image mounted on a wall the group Bureau d’Etudes dissects the capillary structures and entanglements of global media and telecommunications ownership, thus displaying what binds the world’s innermost core together. In his 12-channel video installation focussing on Galatasaray Istanbul Omer Ali Kazma addresses the topic of cultural identity. Further works that deal with football as social phenomenon in centers and their fringes are by Ulf Aminde, Martin Brand and RASSIM∆. While Brand and Aminde focus on the social contexts of the game, RASSIM∆’s project points to the economic divide between first and Second World. The London Psychogeographical Association explains the rules of three-sided football which was introduced by the African football player Luther Blissett.
Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
May 5 – July 16, 2006
Guentherstr. 65
44143 Dortmund
Tel. ++49.231.823 106
Fax ++49.231.88 20 240