Status Project...
“The Status Project” is the title of the first italian solo show by Heath Bunting, a british artist considered one of the founding fathers of…
Tag ties and affecti...
The online exhibition Tag ties & affective spies (organized by National Museum of Contemporary Art of Athens and curated by Daphne Dragona)…
The Path...
The Path is a short horror game – developed by Auriea Harvey & Michaël Samyn’s Tale of Tales – inspired by older versions of Little Red Ridinghood…
David Horvitz...
“For all of 2009 I will send out small texts of simple instructional ideas through the mailing list below. I will also post screenshots of them on…
Ryan Trecartin...
Ryan Trecartin is one of the most innovative young artists working with video today. Trecartin’s fantastical video narratives seem to be conjured…
Mark Essen...
Mark Essen is a game artist living in Los Angeles and he recently received his B.A. from Bard College. His games have been shown at music venues…
G33 CON...
Project Gentili (Prato, Italy) is hosting the first italian solo exhibition by the artist duo JODI.
For their debut JODI have developed…
Hi-res Tetris...
Last week Cory Doctrow posted this link on Boing Boing. It is a brilliant, absurd and unplayable version of the famous videogame Tetris…
The Syncretic Sense...
The first UK retrospective exhibition of the pioneering cybernetic artist Roy Ascott, curated in collaboration with i-DAT…
Birnbaum & Arca...
This month in Artforum: “Dara Birnbaum and Cory Arcangel: In Conversation.” If the manipulation of popular imagery, once the purview…
I Would Prefer Not T...
I Would Prefer Not To (A love story set in Google images) is the title of the first solo exhibition in Milan by Alterazioni Video. The relationship…
Spy Box...
Spy Box is a work by british artist Tim Knowles. A digital camera inside a parcel looks out through a small hole and captures images of its journey…
EXPIRATIONdate is a brand new series of vectorial drawings by italian artist Mauro Ceolin. Like in previous projects, Ceolin is working on a possible…
Outside In...
Outside In, the first Italian exhibition of US artist John F. Simon Jr, explores ten years of research into software art. Five of Simon’s pieces are on display…
Art and Code...
ART AND CODE is a symposium on programming environments for artists, young people, and the rest of us. The event takes place the weekend of…
ComputerMusic4Kidz, by Marieke Verbiesen, is an interactive electronic music installation for kids, inviting them to explore the history…
In Real Life...
An exhibition that invites innovative and independent online art initiatives to each come do a 4-hour residency inside the space of a gallery, attempting…
Artzilla... is a web platform dedicated to the development of experimental browser software. The site collects and exhibit creative works, share code…
Please Say Something...
Please Say Something is a brand new short film by David O’Reilly. According to the artist’s own words: “it’s a very simple story about a relationship…
Warhol vs Amiga...
In this amazing video, Andy Warhol paints Debbie Harry on an Amiga at the Commodore product launch press conference in 1985…
Keyboard Graveyard...
Oh why so serious?, a computer keyboard transformed into a symbolic language cemetery, is an artwork by Paul Chan. It is part of Alternumerics…
Impress is the deliverance of the touch screen from its technical stiffness, coldness and rigidity. It breaks the distance in the relationship…
WoW Pod...
Cati Vaucelle, Steve Shada, Marisa Jahn’s WoW Pod is an architectural space that provides and anticipates all life needs of the World of Warcraft…
A futuristic designer (code name: Z) infiltrates the mega-design corporation headed by Commander C. Z battles the designer drone…