Random links about Art & Technology


The eCLOUD...

The eCLOUD is a dynamic sculpture inspired by the volume and behavior of an idealized cloud. Made from unique polycarbonate tiles that can fade…

White Glove Tracking

White Glove Tracking...

White Glove Tracking, by Evan Roth: On May 4th, 2007, we asked internet users to help isolate Michael Jackson’s white glove in all 10,060 frames…



Bitquid, by Jeroen Holthuis, is a complex system of about 800 meters of transparent hoses through which digital information will flow in…

Oltre l’interfaccia

Oltre l’interf...

Ogni movimento che avviene nella rete è computabile, si può, cioè, descrivere matematicamente. Dal più timido spostamento del mouse fino alla cronologia degli ultimi siti…