DiVA – Digital & Video Art Fair
DiVA is the first and only art fair in the United States dedicated exclusively to digital and video art. Serving as an international destination for collectors, art dealers, museums, curators, and artists, DiVA will feature the diverse and innovative work of new media artists exploring and pushing the digital boundaries.
Digitally created work is a dynamic platform of expression in contemporary art that includes film, video, animation & photography and has strongly influenced printmaking, sculpture, painting, architecture, and performance. DiVA is brought to you by FRÀRE iNDEPENDENT, a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to providing widespread visibility to important artists who fall outside the established art market and promoting camaraderie within the art world. DiVA is dedicated to representing works by emerging talent who have no significant gallery representation.”
DiVA – Digital & Video Art Fair,
New York 2006
Thursday, March 9th through
Sunday, March 12th, 2006
A Tribute to Andy Warhol
Thursday March 9th 2006
7p.m. General Admission for
Opening Night Reception
10 p.m. Opening Night Party,
sponsored by GalleryArtist.com
11p.m. Exhibitions close