At midnight GMT of August 15th more than seventy videos coming from all over the planet will be online on the official Digifestival website, all visible in four streaming qualities (from modem connections up to full screen TV broadcast quality) and will be available for voting up until September 15th. The categories in the contest this year are: the Cinema, dedicated to short films, the Videoart forth those video works no tightly connected with Cinema, the Photography category (that also includes the Digital Art), the Music, Animation (2D & 3D) and Sport.
Great success in terms of participation has been obtained by the Videoart section and by the more traditional Movies section. But a real multitude of videos has been gained by the Music category: musicians, singers, bands from all over the world (from Singapore to USA, from Germany to Czech Republic ÷) sent us their videos to promote them through this event. And this also thanks to the partnership with Sonicbids, web network dedicated to music that promotes events, contest and activities to his vast and heterogeneous community of artists and professionals operating in music production.
Once again in this second edition the web audience will pick the most beautiful video through the voting electronic form present in every artist page in which it will be possible to find also the biography, e-mail address, synopsis and images.
In the meanwhile the technical Jury – almost completely formed, of which we’ll be given communication in the next few weeks – will vote and select the winner in each discipline in the contest. In October, thanks to the close collaboration with Ultra Promotion (entertainment service agency managed by Elisabetta Galletta) and to the keen availability of the management of Mercafir – Mercato Alimentare Polivalente of the city of Florence, two events of great proportion will be held in Florence and Milan to show live the videos winner of this edition. Dates and places will be communicated soon.