Gazira Babeli: Collateral Damage
On April 16th 2007, the ExhibitA gallery on the Odyssey simulator within the online virtual world called Second Life, will present the first comprehensive look at the pioneering work of Gazira Babeli. Gazira is an artist creating works within Second Life and a member of Second Front – the first performance art group in Second Life.
Gazira labels herself a “code performer” and indeed the code is at the heart of her work, tying it to the system at a deep level and reaching out to the viewer in ways that inherent to the SL platform. Her pieces are alive with scripts created using the Linden scripting language – a core component of Second Life. A Campbells soup can that is a trap, and a self proclaimed menace disguised as pop art, encases the viewer and takes him on a ride proclaiming “you love pop art, pop art hates you” until the unsuspecting avatar manages to run fast enough to escape. The sky filled with question marks, a vengeful tornado, these are a few of Gaz’s signature works that can be seen on her site: www.gazirababeli.com.
In the spirit of opensource – Gazira has licensed much of her code via creative commons, and you can download it for your own use on her site.
Gazira Babeli: Collateral Damage
- a comprehensive survey of works from 2006-2007
location: Odyssey (38,30,23)
Please join us for the opening of this exhibit. Press are invited to attend
at 1pm SL time. The general opening is at 6pm SL time. Inquiries may be directed to Beavis Palowakski: rushchris@mac.com, or to Sugar Seville: sugarseville@gmail.com