In Japanese porn, it is required by law that the male and female genitalia be blurred to obscure it from sight. The fogging of the sexually explicit area using pixelization or mosaic blurring is referred to as bokashi.
Article 175 of the Japanese Penal Code, stipulates that “any person who distributes, sells or publicly displays an obscene writing, picture or other materials shall be punished with penal servitude for not more than two years or be fined not more than two million and a half yen or minor fine. The same shall apply to any person who possesses the same with the intention of selling it.”
In Unpixelated, by swedish artist Anders Weberg, software is used on censored pornographic films in order to reconstruct the blurred area to its original state. Once the software is applied, a mosaic blur is then applied to the rest of the image leaving only the once censored pubic hair or genitalia to be viewed.