Nemo Observatorium

Nemo Observatorium

Posted On: September 8, 2009
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Lawrence Malstaf utilizes five fans and a walk-though PVC cylinder to create a localized cyclone. Thousands of bits of polystyrene fly about through the air, with the observer situated right in the middle of it all—literally in the eye of the storm. Regardless of whether he/she focuses on particles whirling all about or looks past the flurry of material off into the distance, the tempestuous circumstances seem to exert an extraordinarily calming effect. This high-energy spectacle suddenly becomes a uniform, almost spellbinding sensory impression.
“Nemo Observatorium” is the winner of Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nica for “INTERACTIVE ART” and it’s currently installed in Linz (Cyberarts exhibition, OK Centrum. 3-09-09 / 4-10-09)