Live Performers Meeting 2010
Posted In: festival, live, music, performance, visual, vjing
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From 27th to 30st of May 2010, at Brancaleone in Rome, will take place the eighth edition of LPM – Live Performers Meeting: an international meeting of live video performers, visual artists and vjs, focused on live video performances.
Rome 2009 edition, registered the presence of 362 artists coming from Italy, Portugal, France, Germany, Canada, Hungary, United Kingdom, Poland, Spain, Uruguay, Latvia, Switzerland, Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Mexico, Greece, Denmark, United States, Austria, Australia, Turkey. During the whole four days, 289 performances, workshops and showcases, gave life to each area of the 900 square meters space of Brancaleone, enhanced with 15 projectors and as many screens.
For the second consecutive year, the edition of LPM settles in an exclusive location, the long-standing Brancaleone that with its structure, perfectly fit the growing needs of a meeting, that year after year has definetely enlarged its range of contents, artists and audience.
LPM once again, will use its 4-day formula, creating a truly unique event and granting a program full of workshops, project showcases, softwares and brand-new products.
click here for more info
download the workshop program
(subscribe to one of the workshop by writing to: workshops@flyer.it)