Keyboard Graveyard...
Oh why so serious?, a computer keyboard transformed into a symbolic language cemetery, is an artwork by Paul Chan. It is part of Alternumerics…

Impress is the deliverance of the touch screen from its technical stiffness, coldness and rigidity. It breaks the distance in the relationship…

WoW Pod...
Cati Vaucelle, Steve Shada, Marisa Jahn’s WoW Pod is an architectural space that provides and anticipates all life needs of the World of Warcraft…

A futuristic designer (code name: Z) infiltrates the mega-design corporation headed by Commander C. Z battles the designer drone…

iPod Touch Artist...
French artist and videographer David Lasnier is composing paintings with the Brushes app on his iPod Touch and uploading the artwork…

The Joydick...
The Joydick is a wearable haptic device for controlling video gameplay based on realtime male masturbation. Through the use of…

Add-Art is a free FireFox add-on which replaces advertising on websites with curated art images. The art shows are updated every two weeks…

The Fifth Day...
“The Fifth Day”, a project by Carlo Zanni, is a sequence of ten pictures showing a taxi ride, edited as a slide show on music by Kazimir Boyle…

MySpace portraits...
Dominic Paul Moore’s gouache and graphite drawings depict virtual profiles on MySpace, but they are not taken directly from the famous social network…

Mauritian Sunset...
Sandy Smith uses broken and obsolete computer equipment for her artworks. She makes them work again and then use them as building blocks…

Jodi.org, the Belgian-Dutch duo pioneer of Net Art, explores the relations between the world we build through the Internet and the one…

The Big Plot...
“The Big Plot”, a project by Paolo Cirio, is a romantic spy-story played on the info-sphere. Four characters will tell a story using dialogues…

I nuovi amatori: cit...
Sono passati più di quarant’anni da quando Michael A. Noll, allora ingegnere presso i famigerati Bell Laboratories, firmava “The Digital Computer as a Creative Medium”…

Il cinema ha un nuov...
Insolito incontro tra cinema e codice binario. Il flusso dei dati anima l’oggetto film e lo rende instabile. Soggetto a infinite variabili. L’autore di questi…

LPM 2007...
Dopo la prestigiosa preview tenutasi l’otto ottobre dinnanzi a 20.000 persone a Palazzo delle Esposizioni, durante la Notte Bianca, giunge al via…

Struttura 2007...
L’arte organica e le pratiche creative che mettono in relazione arte, scienza e tecnologia sono il tema di Struttura Organica 2007. Rassegne video…

Acusmatiq 2.0...
Ogni anno Acusmatiq non presenta un cartellone ma rilascia una nuova versione. Sceglie la progressivitá dei numeri. E’ come un software…

Robots at Play 2007...
Robots do not only belong to the future. They belong to the present as well, and the robot festival Robots at Play will display some of the many ways…

Game Art...
The exhibition Game Art (Mejan Labs, Stockholm) will take a closer look on how artists have used computer games, modified, copied and deconstructed…

I don’t work s...
Da oggi è disponibile lo screensaveer per i lavoratori precari! Sei stato assunto con contratto a tempo determinato, sei un maledetto precario…

Identità 2.0...
Che sia l’inizio di una nuova era di Internet oppure solo una montatura del marketing, il Web 2.0 continua a far parlare di sé. Riportando in auge la…

MUV: Music and Digit...
Muv è una collettiva ad intermittenza visiva e sonora, un evento che indaga un universo di linguaggi che si intersecano: le arti digitali e la musica…

Jodi.org. Composite ...
VertexList space presents Composite club, a solo exhibition by the legendary new media collaborative JODI. JODI, or jodi.org, are unanimously…

Art Tech Media Confe...
The First International Art Tech Media Conference has been set up in order to reflect upon and analyse questions currently being raised…