Google Bono...
Stunned is pleased to announce the Bono Probability Positioning System version 2: Google Bono.
We know that for a visitor…

Urban Eyes...
HTTP Gallery is pleased to present Urban Eyes, an intermedia project by Marcus Kirsch and Jussi Angesleva. Urban Eyes uses wireless…

GAM3R 7H30RY...
GAM3R 7H30RY 1.1 is a networked book. The Institute for the Future of the Book, together with McKenzie Wark, created this project to investigate…

Contemporary Emblems...
Mauro Ceolin’s latest project, Contemporary Emblems, is a series of insigna that playfully mix videogame icons with other popular culture references…

The first edition of MixedMedia, internatinoal event of new media art, architecture, sound and audiovisual, will be held in Milan from the 25th…

WAM – Web Art ...
Verrà presentato a Roma il 23 maggio il progetto WAM – WEB ART MOUSEUM. Il progetto è incentrato sulla realizzazione del primo museo dedicato…

Observatori de Video...
The Centre de Cultura Contemporània of Barcelona presents a new edition of OVNI, the Observatori de Video no Identificat, which will take…

The Upgrade! Lisbon...
Lisboa 20 Arte Contemporânea welcomes next Wednesday, May 24th, The Upgrade! Lisbon monthly gathering featuring Sofia Oliveira, executive…

Dissonanze 2006...
Il 19 e 20 maggio 2006 torna Dissonanze, il festival internazionale di musica elettronica e arte digitale di Roma. Dal 2000, primo anno di…

Home-Maker, the interactive documentary project has been touring UK venues for the last 2 years. At the final venue, Hatton Gallery, a team…

Community of Words...
The Community of Words is a 3D environment governed by the Theory of Emergence. Users are invited to add their own words to the system…

Con lo stile e il linguaggio delle fanzine che si sono moltiplicate nel corso degli ultimi decenni ai margini del panorama editoriale, Franco Berardi…

Jodi in New York...
EAI (Electronic Arts Intermix) and Rhizome present renowned digital artists JODI in a rare public demonstration of their latest video game…

Lovelines is an exploration of human desire created by Jonathan Harris & Sepandar Kamvar. Through large scale blog analysis, Lovelines illuminates…

iMagine wants to be a ludic reflection about overwhelming and overflowing images, it is based on the collaborative mechanics of the Net…

L’idea è che ci siamo: esistiamo. Renameyourfiles allora, dal 2003. Per essere contenitore di espressione ma al contempo forma…

New Math...
Los Angeles Center for Digital Art presents an international group exhibit of artists using computer algorithms, math based image generators…

Glamour and Globaliz...
The Hartware MedienKunstVerein presents fourteen international media artists that deal with the five thematic chapters of the Fanshop of Globalization…

The Work of Media Ar...
A two-day symposium surveying current projects concerned with preserving the history of media art and initiatives aimed at stimulating practices…

Readme 100...
This book discusses projects and research completed in the framework of the Readme 100 Temporary Software Art Factory, which took place…

Curating Immateriali...
The third book in the DATA Browser series of critical texts that explore issues at the intersection of culture and technology. The site of…

L’arte videolu...
Humanities Lab presenta una retrospettiva sulle opere multimediali di Mauro Ceolin, l’artista italiano più significativo nel panorama internazionale…

The Dumpster...
The Dumpster was created by Golan Levin, Kamal Nigam and Jonathan Feinberg and made possible by support from the Whitney Artport, the…

Site Specific...
Site Specific, organizzazione nonprofit per la promozione di arte contemporanea site-specific sul territorio e sul web, annuncia l’avvio dell’attività…