Street With A View...
Street With A View introduces fiction, both subtle and spectacular, into the doppelganger world of Google Street View. On May 3rd 2008…

Very Slow Scan Telev...
Very Slow Scan Television (VSSTV) is a project by Gebhard Sengmüller, in collaboration with Jakob Edlbacher, Johannes Obermayr, Gerhard…

Peter Nitsch just launched his new project: ASCIImeo, a web application that renders Vimeo’s videos in different textmodes. “The player is an evolution…

Every Day The Same D...
Every day the same dream, by Molleindustria, is a slightly existential riff on the theme of alienation and refusal of labor. The idea was to charge…

Browser Pong...
The typical browsing experience is conducted through a single application window. This is indeed a useful, practical thing. Browser Pong instead exists…

Remap Berlin...
Remap Berlin, by Marco Cadioli aka Marco Manray, spreads a thin geographical virus in Google Earth and deals with different levels of reality. The project…

Unsolicited Fabricat...
Stephanie Syjuco fabricated a selection of “sculptures” designed by anonymous users of Google SketchUp, a free 3-D modeling program: “Many–but…

The Victoria and Albert Museum has commissioned the artist Karsten Schmidt to design a truly malleable, digital identity for the Decode exhibition by providing…

The Folksomy Project...
JODI’s ongoing performance project, The Folksomy Project, takes YouTube as source material, with the artists utilizing custom software to select…

Google Portraits...
A Google Portrait is a drawing which contains the Google URL search string of the portrayed person in encoded form. Any camera smart phone…

Tweeting Colors...
Tweeting Colors, by Brian Piana, is webpage comprised of vertical color bars created by special tweets from Twitter users. Anyone can view the piece…

Avatar Machine...
The virtual communities created by online games have provided us with a new medium for social interaction and communication. Avatar Machine, by…

Xbox 360 Self Portra...
Xbox 360 Self Portraits, by Marque Cornblatt, are executed within various games available on the Xbox 360 game console. The artist’s avatar and all other…

Virtual data isn’t subject to decay like traditional media. Despite this, we can still lose personal data to disk failure, viruses, or accidental deletion. Unlike…

They Watch...
They Watch, by Workspace Unlimited, is an immersive art installation with virtual characters literally watching visitors. Several duplicates of the virtual…

Roomba Pac-Man...
“The vacuum, long an instrument for chasing cats, has now been turned against its own. What better use for automatic home appliances than to have…

Amphibious Architect...
Amphibious Architecture is a floating installation in New York waterways that glows and blinks to provide an interface between life above water and life…

Urban Cursor...
Urban Cursor is a GPS enabled object designed to facilitate social interaction and play in public space. The object, which is shaped as an oversized…

Seppukoo is the new artwork by Les Liens Invisibles. The website is designed to help people commit a symbolic, ritual suicide, killing their virtual…

Available online for...
Evan Roth is distribuiting free stickers to anyone interested in taking part in his project “Available online for free”. He writes: “Instructions are simple…

Happiness Hat...
Happiness Hat, a project by Lauren McCarthy, is a wearable conditioning device that detects if you’re smiling and provides pain feedback if you’re not…

Panoramic Dioramas...
Panoramic Dioramas are environments which do not strictly enforce orientation or perspective. Viewers can move within the space to see new…

Where is your art?...
Where is your art? is a kinetic sound installation by András Juhász Márton, Melinda Matúz, Gergely Kovács and Barbara Sterk. Once a visitor enters the…

Continual Partial Aw...
This performance is going to be about ‘Continuous Partial Awareness’ — a phrase that was first described to me as meaning ‘you know, like, when you…