The idea of a tree...
The idea of a tree, by Thomas Traxler, translates the various sunshine conditions that occur during the day into a three-dimensional object. The lenght…
Headbang Hero...
Headbang Hero, by Tiago Martins, Ricardo Nascimento and Andreas Zingerle is a music/dance video game for testing your headbanging…
Double-Taker (Snout)...
“Double-Taker (Snout)” (by Golan Levin with Lawrence Hayhurst, Steven Benders and Fannie White) deals in a whimsical manner with the themes of…
Remote sonar drawing...
Remote sonar drawing device, by David Bowen, was a multinational tele-presence robotic installation installed at Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación…
Dreaming of You...
Dreaming of You is a system for tapping into your computer’s dreams. There are three parts to this program. The first is a screen saver that visualizes…
ATOM is a performance for a matrix of 64 gas balloons, lights, and sound. A room is filled with deep, evolving noises from a four-channel sound…
Air-port is a new media installation by Electroboutique (Aristarkh Chernyshev, Alexei Shulgin, Inna Astafieva), shown at Archstoyanie festival…
Body Paint...
Body Paint by Mehmet Akten is an interactive installation and performance allowing users to paint on a virtual canvas with their body, interpreting…
Petra Cortright...
Petra Cortright is a young artist living in Santa Barbara (California). Her work, consisting in digital images and videos, is both conceptually deep…
Color Field Painting...
Inspired by “Color Field Painting” movement, a style of abstract painting that emerged in New York City during the 1940s and 1950 (the definition is…
Pa++ern is a project by Daito Manabe and Motoi Ishibashi. Originally created for the exhibition at B-Gallery (Tokyo), the work is a combination…
In Japanese porn, it is required by law that the male and female genitalia be blurred to obscure it from sight. The fogging of the sexually explicit area…
Newton Virus...
Named after the father of modern mechanics, the Newton Virus by Troika introduces the concept of gravity causing your desktop to behave exactly as it would…
Murmur Study...
Murmur Study, by Christopher Baker, is an installation that examines the rise of micro-messaging technologies such as Twitter and Facebook’s status…
iPod Bra For Living ...
Video-documentation of a performance piece by Holly Lester. The work, inspired by the 1969 Moorman/Paik collaboration “TV Bra for Living Sculpture”…
Robot Dreams...
Kunsthaus Graz and the Museum Jean Tinguely, Basel are organising a symposium on the subject of robotics in the context of art. The event will explore…
AIDS-3D is a Berlin-based collective whose work touches on both technological utopianism and digital kitsch. Their installations, performances…
Songs About Rainbows...
Songs About Rainbows, by JK Keller, is an Apple OS X application that will color your files and folders using the Finder’s labels. It will ask you…
Encyclopedia Britann...
In this 1971 film, using one frame of film for each page of the thirtytwo-volume set, conceptual artist John Latham transforms Encyclopedia Britannica…
Wikipedia in print...
Artist Rob Matthews turned Wikipedia into a physical object. A very tall book, composed by 5000 pages, fully printed with Wikipedia Featured Articles…
The Internet Pavilio...
At the 53rd Venice Biennial, a completely new pavilion will be presented – the Internet Pavilion. With the theme for this year’s biennial, “Making Worlds”…
Justin Kemp...
Justin Kemp is a young artist living in Northampton, Massachussets. His website contains all his video and photo works since 2007…
Mass Ornament...
Mass Ornament, by Natalie Boochkin, is a video installation in which hundreds of clips from YouTube of people dancing alone in their rooms…
Reality is not the one we were used to anymore. Media infiltrate it more and more, and fill up our dreams, which usually come when our eyes are open…