Google Portraits...
A Google Portrait is a drawing which contains the Google URL search string of the portrayed person in encoded form. Any camera smart phone…
Remote sonar drawing...
Remote sonar drawing device, by David Bowen, was a multinational tele-presence robotic installation installed at Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación…
Rhonda is an amazing 3D drawing tool developed by Amit Pitaru and James Paterson in 2003, when they were collaborating for a project…
EXPIRATIONdate is a brand new series of vectorial drawings by italian artist Mauro Ceolin. Like in previous projects, Ceolin is working on a possible…
Drawball is a website that hosts a large circular image onto which visitors can draw using a limited quantity of virtual ink. In addition to…
Contemporary Fluids...
Mauro Ceolin, alla sua prima personale nella città di Bologna, prosegue una personalissima analisi sulle realtà contemporanee. Il progetto…
La Conchita mon amou...
Sara Tecchia Roma New York is proud to premiere La Conchita mon amour, an exhibition featuring photography, HD video, digital…
Dukino is a young artist. His research deals with the ambivalence of images, he creates ambiguous pictures and ambigrams. Art icones like…
Drawing jazz...
Last saturday in Milan, visual art and jazz music got together in a fascinating performance. Three musicians (Paolo Fresu, Antonello Salis and Furio di…
E’ on line una nuova serie di disegni vettoriali firmati Mauro Ceolin. L’artista, che conduce da tempo una ricerca sul mondo dei videogames e sulle icone…
La crew di Drawingblog, guidata dalla vulcanica Helga Franza ha appena lanciato il progetto Share!. Dopo l’esperienza del blog “disegnato”…
La blog-mania non si ferma. I “diari di bordo” digitali continuano a spuntare come funghi, rivelando una insospettabile voglia di comunicare e…
RGB Project...
Si chiama RGB Project il sito web che l’italiano Mauro Ceolin sviluppa da circa due anni. Strutturato come un work in progress, il progetto include dipinti ad acrilico…