Serendipitor is an alternative navigation app for the iPhone that helps you find something by looking for something else. The app combines directions…
8-Bit City...
The 8-Bit Cities project, which started with 8-Bit NYC, is an attempt to make the city feel foreign yet familiar, smashing together two culturally…
Urban Cursor...
Urban Cursor is a GPS enabled object designed to facilitate social interaction and play in public space. The object, which is shaped as an oversized…
Donkijote..., the winning entry of the open competition Digital_LAB 2009 (curated by Roberta Bosco and Stefano Caldana), is an analogue/digital…
Der Überflieger...
Der Überflieger – Wearable Interface are wearables for spy pigeons. The project deals with the design and implementation of a wearable technology for…
Il paesaggio e lR...
La C5 corporation porta avanti, sin dal 2001, una complessa ricerca sul tema del paesaggio utilizzando le potenzialità dei GIS (Geographic Information…
GPS Drawings...
Per i Land-artists degli anni Sessanta l’attraversamento del territorio e l’atto stesso del camminare erano il fulcro dell’operazione artistica. Quando il viaggio…
VOPOS: artisti sotto...
Con il suo uso simultaneo del Web, dei telefoni cellulari e dei sistemi satellitari, Vopos si configura come un esperimento di “arte delle telecomunicazioni” a 360 gradi…