Serendipitor is an alternative navigation app for the iPhone that helps you find something by looking for something else. The app combines directions…
Street With A View...
Street With A View introduces fiction, both subtle and spectacular, into the doppelganger world of Google Street View. On May 3rd 2008…
Remap Berlin...
Remap Berlin, by Marco Cadioli aka Marco Manray, spreads a thin geographical virus in Google Earth and deals with different levels of reality. The project…
Urban Cursor...
Urban Cursor is a GPS enabled object designed to facilitate social interaction and play in public space. The object, which is shaped as an oversized…
Donkijote..., the winning entry of the open competition Digital_LAB 2009 (curated by Roberta Bosco and Stefano Caldana), is an analogue/digital…
Der Überflieger...
Der Überflieger – Wearable Interface are wearables for spy pigeons. The project deals with the design and implementation of a wearable technology for…
[Re: ] magazine...
[Re: ] magazine has launched its first edition. The theme of this international new media online magazine is locative media. Locative Media…
Floating Points...
Jeremy Hight (creator of locative spatial narrative and locative media theorist/artist) has published an essay that proposes a new field of art…
Mobotag, by Marta Lwin, reveals the hidden layers of a city through an active exchange of location based media and text messages via the cellphone…
Google Bono...
Stunned is pleased to announce the Bono Probability Positioning System version 2: Google Bono.
We know that for a visitor…
Urban Eyes...
HTTP Gallery is pleased to present Urban Eyes, an intermedia project by Marcus Kirsch and Jussi Angesleva. Urban Eyes uses wireless…
Surreal Scania...
Surreal Scania is a web-based art project from Sweden that combines digital video with GPS-tech. What makes places attractive? Can a wet and dirty…
Il paesaggio e lR...
La C5 corporation porta avanti, sin dal 2001, una complessa ricerca sul tema del paesaggio utilizzando le potenzialità dei GIS (Geographic Information…
GPS Drawings...
Per i Land-artists degli anni Sessanta l’attraversamento del territorio e l’atto stesso del camminare erano il fulcro dell’operazione artistica. Quando il viaggio…
VOPOS: artisti sotto...
Con il suo uso simultaneo del Web, dei telefoni cellulari e dei sistemi satellitari, Vopos si configura come un esperimento di “arte delle telecomunicazioni” a 360 gradi…