The Bird Watcher...
The Bird Watcher is the latest work by software artist André Goncalves: “Several accounts where created on Twitter, one for each of the birds listed below…
Common Flowers...
Common Flowers, a project by Shiho Fukuhara & Georg Tremmel, is based on the first commercially available genetically modified flower, the…
The idea of a tree...
The idea of a tree, by Thomas Traxler, translates the various sunshine conditions that occur during the day into a three-dimensional object. The lenght…
Air-port is a new media installation by Electroboutique (Aristarkh Chernyshev, Alexei Shulgin, Inna Astafieva), shown at Archstoyanie festival…
Interferenze 2006...
Il festival di new arts Interferenze 2006 (San Martino Valle Caudina, 3-5 agosto 2006) è un evento internazionale e interdisciplinare organizzato…
[enter] nature...
Working with an exquisitely “new” range of possibilities and techniques, artists contributed to a radical reshaping of the concept of Nature from…
TAMPOPO is an interactive software which explores possibility of human-computer interaction. It attempts to trigger human emotion and…
Digital Migration...
Inaugura oggi a Borgo Valsugana (Trento) l’installazione Digital Migration, ambiente poetico e project room che utilizza tecnologie audio e video…