Random links about Art & Technology

Amazon Noir

Amazon Noir...

After Google Will Eat Itself, ubermorgen.com, Alessandro Ludovico and Paolo Cirio propose a subversive online work that questions…

Shirley Bassey Mixed Up

Shirley Bassey Mixed...

Shirley Bassey Mixed Up is a collaborative biography: an illustrated biography of the legendary diva, where the reader helps to ‘mix’…



Sufferrosa is an interactive, narrative project combining photography, film, music and web. It is a multidimensional, audiovisual…

Machine Fragments

Machine Fragments...

Perhaps the question, “Can Machines Think”? should be re-articulated as “Is the Machine different from you or I”? Why is there a perceptive…

Food in Bytes

Food in Bytes...

Si tiene dal 10 al 15 agosto a Berchidda (OT), la diciannovesima edizione del festival Time in Jazz, sei giorni ricchi di musica ma non solo…

The Possible Ties Between Illness and Success

The Possible Ties Be...

Random Magazine and Artificial.dk are proud to present The Possible Ties Between Illness and Success by Carlo Zanni, a two minutes short…



In 1968 Andy Warhol stated that In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes. Using Warhol’s statement as a premise…

My Beating Blog

My Beating Blog...

My Beating Blog, by Yury Gitman, is an attempt to take the journaling aspect of blogging into a surrealistic future in which the author literally…

Net Art Open

Net Art Open...

Stunned is proud to announce the opening of the 2006 Net Art Open. Now in it’s fourth edition the Net Art Open takes a different approach…

Rhizome Commissions

Rhizome Commissions...

Rhizome is pleased to announce that eleven international artists/groups have been awarded commissions to assist them in creating original works…

Buoni e cattivi

Buoni e cattivi...

Goodlikebad è un progetto web di Benedetta Panisson. Il sito vive della partecipazione degli altri sotto forma di immagini. Si chiede agli utenti…

Il prezzo in barile

Il prezzo in barile...

L’oro non è più uno standard valido per la valutazione della ricchezza? Pensando ai possibili sostituti il primo che viene in mente è senz’altro il…



Monolith[s], by Michael Takeo Magruder, juxtaposes two icons of British culture: stone circles (Stonehenge in particular) and the British Broadcasting…

Heath Bunting & UBERMORGEN.COM

Heath Bunting &...

On June 14, 2006 OVERGADEN – Institute of Contemporary Art in collaboration with Artnode will open two solo exhibitions by Heath Bunting…



Mobotag, by Marta Lwin, reveals the hidden layers of a city through an active exchange of location based media and text messages via the cellphone…

OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory

OneSmallStep: a MySp...

We are not ourselves. We cut and paste as we are cut and pasted. we are the remix of images and sounds that never existed outside of this mediated…

WAM – Web Art Mouseum

WAM – Web Art ...

Verrà presentato a Roma il 23 maggio il progetto WAM – WEB ART MOUSEUM. Il progetto è incentrato sulla realizzazione del primo museo dedicato…

The Upgrade! Lisbon

The Upgrade! Lisbon...

Lisboa 20 Arte Contemporânea welcomes next Wednesday, May 24th, The Upgrade! Lisbon monthly gathering featuring Sofia Oliveira, executive…



Home-Maker, the interactive documentary project has been touring UK venues for the last 2 years. At the final venue, Hatton Gallery, a team…



Lovelines is an exploration of human desire created by Jonathan Harris & Sepandar Kamvar. Through large scale blog analysis, Lovelines illuminates…



iMagine wants to be a ludic reflection about overwhelming and overflowing images, it is based on the collaborative mechanics of the Net…

The Dumpster

The Dumpster...

The Dumpster was created by Golan Levin, Kamal Nigam and Jonathan Feinberg and made possible by support from the Whitney Artport, the…

Site Specific

Site Specific...

Site Specific, organizzazione nonprofit per la promozione di arte contemporanea site-specific sul territorio e sul web, annuncia l’avvio dell’attività…



Neterotopia is an event that takes place from 16th to 31st March in various spaces on the Net. Eleven artists from different countries have been…