The Paparazzi Bots...
The Paparazzi Bots (a project by Ken Rinaldo) are a series of five autonomous robots each standing at the height of the average human. Comprised of…
Ikea Robotics...
“Ikea Robotics”, Adam Lassy’s thesis project at ITP, Tisch School of the Arts in New York, is a project where discarded Ikea furniture is modified to create…
Where is your art?...
Where is your art? is a kinetic sound installation by András Juhász Márton, Melinda Matúz, Gergely Kovács and Barbara Sterk. Once a visitor enters the…
Remembrancer, by Alberto Gaitán, is a unique, net-aware sculpture that observes and records data collected over the Internet and sensors within…
Artificial Paradise,...
Artificial Paradise, Inc., by Jean Paul Frenay, is an experimental film anticipating a future where a major corporation has developed an unique software, based…
bios [bible]...
The installation bios [bible] consists of an industrial robot, which writes down the bible on rolls of paper. The machine draws the calligraphic…
Double-Taker (Snout)...
“Double-Taker (Snout)” (by Golan Levin with Lawrence Hayhurst, Steven Benders and Fannie White) deals in a whimsical manner with the themes of…
Remote sonar drawing...
Remote sonar drawing device, by David Bowen, was a multinational tele-presence robotic installation installed at Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación…
Robot Dreams...
Kunsthaus Graz and the Museum Jean Tinguely, Basel are organising a symposium on the subject of robotics in the context of art. The event will explore…
Robots at Play 2007...
Robots do not only belong to the future. They belong to the present as well, and the robot festival Robots at Play will display some of the many ways…
Life Support Machine...
Life Support Machine is an interactive installation by italian artist Luca Gemma. This work promotes the concept and the experience of a therapeutic…
Laboratorio per Mand...
Douglas Irving Repetto, l’artefice di Artbot, Dorkbot e organism guiderà un particolare laboratorio a Berlino, l’Electromechanical Mandala workshop…
Robot di talento...
Si svolgerà dal 15 al 17 luglio a Dublino la quarta edizione di ArtBots: The Robot Talent Show, mostra internazionale di arte robotica. In esposizione…
Oltre il giardino...
E’ stato per 9 anni uno dei progetti più noti e amati della net art. Nell’agosto 2004 Telegarden di Ken Goldberg, che consentiva ai navigatori di…
Io, robot...
La parola robot viene dal cecoslovacco “robota”, che significa “lavoro”. Fu usata la prima volta nell’opera di Karel Capek R.U.R. (Rossum’s…