Happy Things...
Happy Things is another “speed project” by Theo Watson and Kyle McDonald. The software captures positive human reactions to the Internet, analyzing…
Infinite Glitch...
Infinite Glitch is an automated system that generates an ever-changing audio/video stream from the constantly increasing mass of media files…
Body Dysmorphic Diso...
Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a Kinect hack by Robert Hodgin. Made with Cinder and the Kinect sensor. Runs in realtime…
White Glove Tracking...
White Glove Tracking, by Evan Roth: On May 4th, 2007, we asked internet users to help isolate Michael Jackson’s white glove in all 10,060 frames…
Nonmanifold_mandible, by Ben F. Carney, investigates loss of control over human emotions. To parallel unreasonable human behaviours…
Fracture is an iPhone application that allows you to paint cubist style portraits using your own photos. Aesthetics employed by abstract masters such…
Iterating my way int...
Iterating my way into oblivion is the new project by Carlo Zanni, a Server Side generated movie where a guy is listening to a voice reading YouTube…
Heart Chamber Orches...
The Heart Chamber Orchestra – HCO – is an audiovisual performance. The orchestra consists of 12 classical musicians and the artist duo…
SVEN (Surveillance Video Entertainment Network), by Amy Alexander, Wojciech Kosma and Vincent Rabaud, is a system comprised of a camera…
Auto Smiley...
Auto Smiley (A FAT + openFrameworks speed project) is a computer vision application that runs in the background while you work. The software…
The CodeOrgan analyses the “body” content of any web page and translates that content into music. The CodeOrgan uses a complex algorithm to define…
Peter Nitsch just launched his new project: ASCIImeo, a web application that renders Vimeo’s videos in different textmodes. “The player is an evolution…
Action Painting (Mas...
Action Painting (Masculine Expressionism), by Jeremy Rotsztain, is a series of “action paintings” in the style of Jackson Pollock, composed using…
Composition with Jav...
Composition with Javascript is an interactive work by Kostya Loginov and Vlad Yakovlev, made using HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery, based on…
Dreaming of You...
Dreaming of You is a system for tapping into your computer’s dreams. There are three parts to this program. The first is a screen saver that visualizes…
Delaunay Raster...
Jonathan Puckey is a graphic designer based in Amsterdam. He modifies photographs using digital tools for “Delaunay image vectorization”…
Rhonda is an amazing 3D drawing tool developed by Amit Pitaru and James Paterson in 2003, when they were collaborating for a project…
Building Rome in a D...
Bulding Rome in a Day is part of the Community Photo Collections project at the University of Washington – GRAIL Lab…
HasCanvas, developed by Robert O’Rourke, is a tool for creating and sharing Processing sketches and runs on John Resig’s Processing.js…
Pa++ern is a project by Daito Manabe and Motoi Ishibashi. Originally created for the exhibition at B-Gallery (Tokyo), the work is a combination…
In Japanese porn, it is required by law that the male and female genitalia be blurred to obscure it from sight. The fogging of the sexually explicit area…
Newton Virus...
Named after the father of modern mechanics, the Newton Virus by Troika introduces the concept of gravity causing your desktop to behave exactly as it would…
Songs About Rainbows...
Songs About Rainbows, by JK Keller, is an Apple OS X application that will color your files and folders using the Finder’s labels. It will ask you…
Open Source Embroide...
The Open Source Embroidery project includes workshops and exhibitions which investigate how the open source software development model has…