The Wobbulator...
A raster manipulation unit or ‘wobbulator’ is a prepared television which permits a wide variety of treatments to be performed on video images…

In the Long Run...
In the Long Run (2010) by art collective IOCOSE is a reconstruction of a possible future high profile media event. The death of pop star…

Sala de Máquinas...
Sala de Máquinas (Engine Room) is an audiovisual interactive installation, which intends to reflect on the idea of the reutilization of what we…

UTV, by Rob Duarte, is the transposition of our Internet identities from Twitter feeds to an over-the-air TV broadcast. UTV is part of an exhibition entitled…

Very Slow Scan Telev...
Very Slow Scan Television (VSSTV) is a project by Gebhard Sengmüller, in collaboration with Jakob Edlbacher, Johannes Obermayr, Gerhard…

56ktv bastard channe...
56ktv bastard channel is a cross between a television and a web project, a platform in the Internet that tells the story of itself as a television channel. The channel…

La XIII edizione del festival internazionale VideominutoPOPTV moltiplica i suoi schermi. Oltre alla tradizionale location presso il…

La cultura va in tv....
Verrà lanciata ufficialmente il prossimo 15 giugno. E promette aggiornamenti quotidiani sui temi più interessanti del momento. Stiamo parlando…

Scottante Russia...
Tactical Television. Così gli autori del progetto Hot Russian Line definiscono il proprio lavoro. Tramite il sito web, su cui sono visibili sia testi…