Hard Drivin’...
Hard Drivin’ is a kinetic installation created by Ivan Twohig, Benjamin Gaulon and Brian Solon. The title of the piece references Hard Drivin’…
The Twitwee Clock...
The Twitwee Clock is a modified Cuckoo Clock that wirelessly connects to the internet and constantly checks for new status updates or search…
UTV, by Rob Duarte, is the transposition of our Internet identities from Twitter feeds to an over-the-air TV broadcast. UTV is part of an exhibition entitled…
The Bird Watcher...
The Bird Watcher is the latest work by software artist André Goncalves: “Several accounts where created on Twitter, one for each of the birds listed below…
Tweeting Colors...
Tweeting Colors, by Brian Piana, is webpage comprised of vertical color bars created by special tweets from Twitter users. Anyone can view the piece…
Where is your art?...
Where is your art? is a kinetic sound installation by András Juhász Márton, Melinda Matúz, Gergely Kovács and Barbara Sterk. Once a visitor enters the…
GoodMorning!, by Jer Thorp, is a Twitter visualization tool that shows about 11,000 ‘good morning’ tweets over a 24 hour period, rendering a simple…
In Overhere, a work by Lauren McCarthy, Twitter feeds of two characters are converted into whispered automated voices and play through…
Pa++ern is a project by Daito Manabe and Motoi Ishibashi. Originally created for the exhibition at B-Gallery (Tokyo), the work is a combination…
Murmur Study...
Murmur Study, by Christopher Baker, is an installation that examines the rise of micro-messaging technologies such as Twitter and Facebook’s status…
Spreadtweet is a downloadable software that gives your Twitter page a spreadsheet look. Written by Elliott Kember, this program is designed…